Pinger Textfree to send messages free of charge for all countries of the world

Programs for communication and conversation many forms and many, but this is one of the best for me, where I can and simply register an account, get a mobile number for me, and send messages unlimited free calls to any number in the world, yes, real numbers to phone my friends, reached by messages Nos. private, which I got from a socialist, this is the best for me.

Pinger Textfree is a dedicated program to send text messages and images using the Internet, through a subscription site Pinger Textfree, subscribe free of course, when you create a new account, ask you to put zip code for your area, you can put any number consisting of 5 houses, but suppose we put 12345, following appears to us numbers, we choose the number that will be our number on the Pinger, and follow the steps, you are asked if you want to share your number via Facebook among your friends, you can ignore this option, and then takes you to the front of the messages, of course you need a confirmation e-mail to stay account is yours.

Become as simple as you can send messages to any mobile number in the world, but there are some disadvantages that you may experience are:

The program does not support the delivery of the message as the Arab, that is, if you type a message in Arabic, it would be incomprehensible to the recipient (in case the message sent to a number Pinger last, they will reach the correct format).
If you do not send messages from your number for about a month, the figure will go, and you will need to choose a new number last.
Problem are rare, which is not being able to send the message to a specific person number, no matter how you try and participated again, this figure will not be sending messages to him (the problem often occurs in Syria, and on the MTN network most often).
Should be careful to put the code international appeal before the desired number, or you will not reach your messages, and must avoid putting () in the code, but put (00), for example, in Syria: (00963) and then the desired number directly without (0) of course.
This is most of what I've ever faced and others, however I have a basic use of the program, either to write in English.

Program is more than wonderful, and I recommend everyone try it, and is also available to the owners of the iPhone (our competitor fierce), and you can also subscribe to a web browser or via mobile phone directly, and anyone can use the software over the Internet to personal computer, without the need for a device has a system Android even (and the previous image is for the participation by the computer), but still fun to write and send messages from the mobile and Android owners wherever they are much better.

Textfree download from the store "Google Play", or 1Mobile.

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